Solution of 11219 - How old are you?

Problem Description

- Here are the filled form. - Thank you. Let me check... hum... OK, OK, OK... Wait, how old are you? - 20. Did I forget to fill it?
- No. It says here that you’ll be born next month! The year is wrong...
- Oh... Sorry!

The process is going to be automatic and to avoid some human errors there will be a calculated field that informs the age based in the current date and the birth date given. This is your task, calculate the age, or say if there’s something wrong.

Input The first line of input gives the number of cases, T (1 ≤ T ≤ 200). T test cases follow. Each test case starts with a blank line, then you will have 2 lines corresponding to the current date and the birth date, respectively. The dates are in the format DD/MM/Y Y Y Y , where DD is the day, MM the month and Y Y Y Y the year. All dates will be valid.


Solution of 12403 - Save Setu

Problem Description

Rahaduzzaman Setu, (Roll - 12) of 13th batch, CSE, University of Dhaka is tremendously ill. He has been suffering from Multi Drug Resistant TB for a long time. Now, his left lung is damaged and beyond repair. No medicine is working on his body to ease his pain. It is urgent to operate on his left lung so that the disease doesn’t spread to his right lung. It can either be removed through surgery or transplanted. He comes from a modest family and it is difficult and impossible for them to bare his medical expenses anymore. Because of the money needed (12 million BDT) to transplant, it is his family’s decision to go with the surgery (3 million BDT). We must help them financially by raising money. But we must not be confined with that amount only to do the surgery. We must go for the Transplant. Our target will be to collect as much as possible to help our friend. If anyone wants to contribute now, please send me your contribution or contact me. Please contribute as much as you can to save a life that you saw every week for the first two years of your University life. Please contribute as per your abilities. Our combined effort may save a life. For more information, consult the link below


Algorithm of 11526 - H(n)

Problem Description Link
The problem is not difficult but we need to consider the problem of time limit exceeded, e.g. we are computing n/n, n/n-1, .....there are so many ones and twos,... these can be computed in one step. We can observe the number of 1, 2, 3.....the number of j is n/j - n/(j+1).  so when the number is small and many, we use the n/j - n/(j+1) method. for numbers big and few, just use the original method. We can set the break point at sqrt(n). Do not repeat the values around sqrt(n). Try to avoid division by 0 and sqrt of negative numbers.

if n=5 series is 5/1 + 5/2 + 5/3 + 5/4 + 5/5
    then sqrt(5)=2 need loop two times
    5/1-5/2=3 means 1 get 3 times, so SUM=3*1=3
    5/2-5/3=1 means 2 get 1 times, so SUM=3+2*1=5
    so last 4 (3+1) steps complete from the series ,so now we nedd calculate first 1 step

Solution of 11526 - H(n)

Problem Description

What is the value this simple C++ function will return? 

long long H(int n){ 
    long long res = 0;
    for( int i = 1; i <= n; i=i+1 ){
        res = (res + n/i);
    return res; 


Solution of 10523 - Very Easy !!!

Problem Description

Most of the times, the students of Computer Science & Engineering of BUET deal with bogus, tough and very complex formulae. That is why, sometimes, even for a easy problem they think very hard and make the problem much complex to solve. But, the team members of the team “BUET PESSIMISTIC” are the only exceptions. Just like the opposite manner, they treat every hard problem as easy and so cannot do well in any contest. Today, they try to solve a series but fail for treating it as hard. Let them help.


Solution of 10324 - Zeros and Ones

Problem Description

Given a string of 0’s and 1’s up to 1000000 characters long and indices i and j, you are to answer a question whether all characters between position min(i, j) and position max(i, j) (inclusive) are the same. 


There are multiple cases on input. The first line of each case gives a string of 0’s and 1’s. The next line contains a positive integer n giving the number of queries for this case. The next n lines contain queries, one per line. Each query is given by two non-negative integers, i and j. For each query, you are to print ‘Yes’ if all characters in the string between position min(i, j) and position max(i, j) are the same, and ‘No’ otherwise. 


Algorithm of 10127 - Ones

Problem Description Link

This is a very simple but tricky problem. If you want to calculate the sequence of one by increasing ONE, then two things can be happened.
1) If your data type is even long double (in C it is the highest data type), it can not hold the sequence and because of overflow you will get WA.
2) If your data type is string then you will get "time limit exceeded". To avoid these problems we need to follow a trick here.

The Algorithm

input (it will be the input of the problem) 
one=1 (in this variable finally we get how many one will be in the sequence)

Algorithm of 713 - Adding Reversed Numbers

Problem Description Link
This is the simple string related problem. You can solve easily using your defined string adding function. you need first
reverse the string that you entered and add two string. after adding print the result reveser order. You must
 Omit any leading zeros in the output.
You no need reverse the inputs if you adding atart from left most. but you nee create same length two string by insert 0.
For Example:
length not same so create same length add 0 in b at right most
 now add
r=1998 this is the result

if a=305 and b= 794

r= 0001 so you need avoid all leftmost 0 s, so 1 is the result.

Solution of 713 - Adding Reversed Numbers

Problem Description

The Antique Comedians of Malidinesia prefer comedies to tragedies. Unfortunately, most of the ancient plays are tragedies. Therefore the dramatic advisor of ACM has decided to transfigure some tragedies into comedies. Obviously, this work is very hard because the basic sense of the play must be kept intact, although all the things change to their opposites. For example the numbers: if any number appears in the tragedy, it must be converted to its reversed form before being accepted into the comedy play.

 Reversed number is a number written in arabic numerals but the order of digits is reversed. The first digit becomes last and vice versa. For example, if the main hero had 1245 strawberries in the tragedy, he has 5421 of them now. Note that all the leading zeros are omitted. That means if the number ends with a zero, the zero is lost by reversing (e.g. 1200 gives 21). Also note that the reversed number never has any trailing zeros. 
