Discrete mathematics and its applications 6th Edition

A  discrete  mathematics course  has more than  one purpose.  Students  should learn  a particular
set of  mathematical facts and how to apply them; more importantly,  such a course should  teach
students  how to  think  logically  and  mathematically.  To  achieve  these  goals,  this  text  stresses
mathematical  reasoning  and the  different  ways  problems  are  solved.  Five  important  themes
are  interwoven in  this  text: mathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis, discrete structure s,
algorithmic thinking, and applications and  modeling. A successful discrete mathematics  course
should carefully blend and balance all five themes.
1.  Mathematical Reasoning.
2.  Combinatorial Analysis.
3.  Discrete Structures.
4.  Algorithmic  Thinking.
5.  Applications and  Modeling
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